“Wings of Survival” is the first expedition under the banner of the Flyway Heroes initiative, initiated by Dr. Timm Döbert (ecologist and explorer) and Leanna Carriere (ultra-endurance athlete). In June 2024, the duo will set out on a self-powered 30,000km expedition, traversing the spine of the Americas through the westernmost migratory bird flyway. The duo will cycle and packraft from Alaska’s High Arctic to the southernmost tip of Patagonia, emulating the arduous journeys of these remarkable avian ‘athletes’. Throughout this nine-month challenge, they will not only document the struggles of migratory birds in an increasingly human-dominated world, but they will also track the human physiological and psychological responses to such an extreme endurance undertaking. By uniquely blending human adventure, citizen science and athletic performance, they hope to portray the wonder of bird migration and the critical relationship between migratory birds and ecosystem health. “Healthy planet, healthy humans”.